
  孟子(Mencius)是战国时期(the Warring States Period )伟大的思想家、教育家。孔子去世100年后,孟子传授并发展了孔子的学说,他的哲学思想与孔子是一脉相承的。孟子认为人性本善,是社会的影响引发了道德的堕落,因此十分重视道德教育。孟子的母亲在他的生命中扮演了重要的角色,她曾三度迁居,只为了帮助她的孩子找到一个合适的成长环境。



  Mencius is a great ideologist and educator in theWarring States Period. A hundred years afterConfucius died, Mencius taught and expandedConfucian doctrine. His philosophical thinking hasits origin in Confucius'thoughts. Mencius believes that human nature is essentially good, and itis society's influence that causes the degradation of morality. For that reason, he attachesgreat importance to moral education. Mencius'mother plays an important role in his life. Shemoved home three times only to find an environment that she felt was suitable for the child'supbringing.

  1.与...一脉相承:可译为 have origin in...或者 originatedfrom...

  2.发展了孔子的学说:“发展”可翻译为develop或者expand;“孔子的学说” 即Confucian doctrine。

  3.人性本善:即“人的天性是善良的”,故可译为humannature is essentially good。

  4.道德的堕落:可译为the degradation of morality,也可简单译为bad moral character。

  5.重视:有固定的译法:attaches great importance to sth.,也可以用 value。

  6.扮演了重要的角色:可译为play an important role in...


  赢政(前259年〜前210年),庄襄王之子,秦朝的开国皇帝。他13岁继承秦王王位,21岁亲理国事。在公元前221年,秦始皇统一了全国,建立了中国历史上第一个中央集权的(centralized )封建国家。秦始皇在位期间统一了文字、货币和度量衡等;他所开创的皇权制度,在中国历史上一直延续了两千多年。然而,秦始皇为了控制人民和加强****统治(autocratic rule), 采取了许多残忍的手段,其中最著名的就是“焚书坑儒”。


  Qin Shi Huang

  Ying Zheng (259 B.C.-210 B.C.), the son of KingZhuangxiang, is the first emperor of the QinDynasty. He ascended the throne at 13, and tookover with state affairs himself at 21. In 221 B.C., QinShi Huang unified the country and established the first centralized feudal state in Chinesehistory. Qin Shi Huang unified the Chinese characters in writing, currency, and measures forlength, capacity and weight. The imperial power system set up by him lasted for more than2,000 years in Chinese history. However, in order to control people and strengthen theautocratic rule, Qin Shi Huang took many brutal means. The most famous one is “Fen ShuKeng Ru”,that is to burn books and bury Confucian scholars alive.


  2.国事:指国家事务,可译为state affairs。

  3.度量衡:“度”即“计量长短”,“量”即“计量容积”,“衡”即“计量轻重”,翻译时三者缺一不可,可译为 measures forlength, capacity and weight。

  4.焚书坑儒:作为一个事件的描述,可直接用汉语拼音表达,然后用英文注释, 故可译为“Fen Shu Keng Ru”,that is, to burn books and bury Confucian scholarsalive。