
  上个月中国服务产业有了较快增长,这加快了国家经济增长。 根据北京国家统计局(Beijing-based National Bureau of Statistics)和中 国物流与采购联合会(China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing)的 数据,非制造业釆购经理人指数(the non-manufacturing Purchasing Managers" Index) 二月份的时候从54.5上升到55.6,而摩根斯坦利亚太指数(the HSBC Holdings Pic and Markit Economics indexes)从 52.1上升到54.3,达到5月以来的最高水平。

  The Chinese service industries grew at a faster pace last month which helped to accelerate the nation’s economy growth. According to the figures from Beijing-based National Bureau of Statistics and China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, the non-manufacturing Purchas¬ing Managers’ Index rose to 55.6 from 54.5 in February, while the HSBC Holdings Pic and Markit Economics indexes rose to from 52.1 to 54.3, its highest level since May.


  孙大圣是中国古典文学名著《西游记》(Journey to the West)中 的一个主要的人物。他是唐僧(Tang Monk)第一个徒弟。其实在中国, 他最受欢迎的名字不是“孙大圣”,而是“孙悟空”,这是教他72变 的第一个师傅给他起的名字。“悟”的意思是“启迪”。“空”的意 思是“无”,这是佛学(Buddhism)中最重要的一个认识。在佛学中, 人必须放弃欲望和所有对财富、名声的渴望,以培养自己为佛。

  Monkey King is one of the main characters in Chinese classic literature masterpiece “Journey to the West". He is the first disciple of Tang Monk.Actually in Chinese,his most popular name is not “Monkey King” but “Sun Wukong,,,which was given by his first Master who taught him the 72 supernormal abilities. “Wu” means enlightening. “Kong” means emptiness,which is one of the most important understandings in Buddhism. In Buddhism, one has to give up every human desire and all attachments including the attachments to wealth and fame etc, in order to cultivate oneself into a Buddha.