
46. Father went to his doctor for ____ about his heart trouble.
A. an advice   B. advice   C. advices   D. the advices
47. We are ____ and they are ____.
 A. Englishmen, Germans   B. Englishmen, German   C.Englishmans, Germans   D. Englishmen, Germen
48. ____ are made of ____.
A. A glass, a glass   B. Glasses, glass   C. The glass, the glass   D. Glasses, glasses
49. I ’ll have to buy ____ trousers.
A. a   B. two   C. a pair of   D. a couple of
50. There are two ____ in our class.
A. Liu   B. Lius   C. Liu’s   D.Lius ’
参考答案:B  A  B  C  B