

off 短语

1.get off 下车

2.put off推迟,拖延

3.take off脱下,起飞

4.go off发出响声,离开

5. turn off 关闭

6. cut off 切断

7.set off激起,引起,出发

8.break off突然中止,中断

9.keep off远离,使-不踏入

10.run off 迅速离开,跑掉

11.be off离开,走开

12.fall off 落下,从...掉下




for 短语

1.wait for 等待

2.look for 寻找

3. pay for 为...付款

4.care for 关心,照料

5.stand for 代表

6. leave for动身去某地

7.ask for 请求,要求

8.prepare for 为...做准备

9.provide...for 为...提供

10.thanks for为...而感谢..

11.get ready for 为...做准备

12.be famous for 因...而闻名

13.be good for 对...有益

14. be bad for 对...有害

15. be late for 迟到

16. be used for 用来做



with 短语

1.agree with同意

2.play with与...玩,玩弄

3.share with 与...分享...

4.come up with 想出,提出

5.end up with 以...而结束

6.fight with 与...打架

7.catch/catch up with 赶上

8. be filled with...里装满...

9.deal/do with 对付,处理

10.provide...with 为...提供

11.begin start with 以...开始

12.get along/on well with 与...相处得融洽

13.argue with 与...争吵

14.with one's help 在某人的帮助下

15.with the light on开着灯

16. quarrel with 与...吵架

17. be busy with 忙于...

18.be angry with sb. 生某人的气

19.be strict with sb.对某人严格要求

20.be popular with 深受....的喜欢

21.fall in live with 爱上...

22. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

23.compare...with 与...相比



about 短语

1.talk about 谈论,讨论

2.worry about担心

3.care about关心,担心

4.learn about 了解关于...

5.think about 考虑

6. be excited about 对...感到兴奋

7. be nervous about 对...紧张

8.be serious about对...是认真的

9.complain about埋怨,抱怨



of 短语

1. be afraid of 害怕...

2. be tired of 厌倦...

3. be sure of 确信...

4.be made of 由...做成

5. be terrified of 害怕....

6. be fond of 喜欢...

7. be careful of 小心...,当心....

8. be full of ...里装满...

9. be proud of以...而自豪

10.be confident of对...有信心

11. take care of 照顾,照料

12.think of 考虑,认为,想起

13.hear of 听说

14.remind of 使某人想起...

15.dream of 梦想

16.run out of 用完,用光

17. look out of 向...外看

18.because of 因为,由于

19.instead of 代替,而不是

20.plenty of 大量的,充足的

21.kind of 稍微,有点

22.all kinds of 各种各样的

23.the number of ...的数量

24.a number of许多

25.hundreds of 数百...

26.thousands of成千上万的

27.in front of 在...的前面

28.at the end of在...的尽头,在...末尾

29.a pair of一双/副/条...

30.a piece of 一片/块/条/则...

31.a set of 一副/串

32.a lot of许多,好多




1.be interested in对...感兴趣

2.be surprised at 对...感到惊讶

3. be famous for因...而闻名

4. be good at 擅长于...

5.be angry with/at 生....的气

6. be worried about 担心...

7. be strict with/in对...要求严格

8. be proud of以...而自豪

9. be ready for 为...做准备

10. be busy with 忙于....

11.be popular with深受...的喜爱

12.be nervous about对...感到紧张

13.be excited about 对..感到兴奋

14. be similar to与...相似

15. be different from 与...不同

16. be filled with ...里装满

17.be used to 习惯于...

18. be afraid of 害怕...

19. be good for对...有益

20.be bad for对...有害

21. be friendly to对...友好

22.be relaxed about对...感到放松

23.be covered with 被...所覆盖

24. be crazy about 热衷于....

25.be fond of 喜欢...

26. be terrified of 害怕...

27.be full of...里充满..

28.be made of ...由....做成