


Eighty percent of China's net users frequently or occasionally visite-business websites. Less expensive merchandises, such as books, audio andvideo products, flowers and other gifts and ticket service now lead China'sonline consumption. The most frequently used Internet service is e-mail. Onaverage, each subscriber owns 2 to 3 e-mail accounts. Moreover, listening tomusic and watching movies online are becoming more popular. Aside fromInternet viruses, Internet suffers said they are most annoyed by pop-up ads andnet attacks.




Chopsticks, invented by ancient Chinese people, are a kind of tableware with distinct national features, being an important component that reflects the characteristics of Chinese diet culture. The history of using chopsticks in China dates back to the Shang Dynasty, more than3,000 years ago. Chopsticks, the quintessence of Chinese culture, whose lightness and flexibility develop a school of its own among various tableware all over the world, are praised as "Eastern Civilization" by the westerners. All those people who have ever used chopsticks, no matter Chinese or foreigners, marvel at their convenience, excellent quality and reasonable price.


  李白是唐朝(the Tang Dynasty)的著名诗人。他和他的朋友杜甫是唐代中期中国诗歌繁盛时期最杰出的两位人物。他一生四处游历,写下了大约1000首诗篇。这些诗堪称是赞美友情、享受大自然和饮酒作乐的模板。他的诗浪漫、豪迈,想象力丰富。作为一个浪漫主义天才,李白把中国的传统诗歌形式推向了一个新的离度,对后世的诗歌产生了深远的影响。


Li Bai was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. He and his friend Du Fu were the two most prominent figures in the flourishing of Chinese poetry in the mid-Tang Dynasty. He traveled around the country in his lifetime, composing about 1,000 pieces of poems which were models for celebrating the friendship, appreciating the nature and the joys of drinking wine. His poems are romantic with heroic style and rich imagination. As a romantic genius, Li Bai took traditional poetic forms to a new height and exerted a far-reaching influence on the poems of the future generation.


1.2句中的定语唐代中期中国诗歌繁盛时期的中心词是繁盛时期”(in the flourishing)中国诗歌是其定语,用介词短语of Chinese poetry来表达,时间范围较大的唐代中期”(in the mid-Tang Dynasty)置于句末。

2.3句中的写下了大约1000首诗篇用分词短语composing about 1,000 pieces of poems来表达,作状语。后一句以这些诗为主语,跟前一句关联较大,故将其处理成修饰前一句poems的定语从句,用 which引导。

3.5他的诗浪漫、豪迈,想象力丰富是中文的无动词句。翻译时,把他的诗浪漫转换为主干(his poems are romantic),将豪迈,想象力丰富转换为状语,用介词短语with heroic style and rich imagination来表达。

4.最后一句可直译成并列结构,推向……高度take…to a height来表达,……产生深远的影响则用exerted a far-reaching influence oil…的表达方式。


2010年,微电影(micro film)《老男孩》(Old Boy)被贴在一个视频网站并大受欢迎。从此,微电影开始盛行。微电影的长度从3分钟到半小时不等。成本低廉,拍摄过程简单,这使得很多草根艺人(grassroots artist)得以有机会来拍摄。人们喜欢在线观看电视节目的偏好也为微电影的发展提供了绝佳的机会。在这个快节奏的社会里,微电影正好可以解决人们没有太多时间来娱乐的问题。


In 2010, a micro film named Old Boy was posted on a video site and became very popular. From then on, micro films began to flourish. A micro film can last anywhere between three minutes to half an hour. Low cost coupled with easy. shooting procedure gives many grassroots artists oppoilmuties to make micro films. The preference for watching TV programs online offers a perfect opportunity for micro films. In this fast-paced society, micro films can tackle the problem of lack of entertainment time.

1.3微电影的长度从3分钟到半小时不等可直译为加length of micro film can last…,这样表达更简洁、更地道。“(时间上的)不等可以用短语 anywhere between来表达。

2.4句的成本低廉,拍摄过程简单可以译为low costcoupled with easy shooting procedure,侧重于强调成本低的事实。这使得很多草根艺人得以有机会来拍摄可套用句型give sb. an opportunity to do sth.来表达,谓语give要与主语low cost保持主谓一致,用单数形式。

3.preference for…为固定搭配,意为偏好……”。倒数第2句的定语人们喜欢在线观看电视节目的即为偏好的具体内容,故可套用这个短语,表达为preference for watching TV programs online,此处可以根据上下文省译人们微电影的发展中的发展一词也可省译。

4.最后一句的定语人们没有太多时间来娱乐的可直译为定语从句thatpeople don't have so much timefor entertainment,但不如用介词短语 of lack of entertainment time 来得简单。