
  少林功夫(Shaolin Kungfii)是河南登封少林寺信奉佛教文化的和 尚们练习的_种武术(martial arts)。少林寺,建于北魏(the Northern Wei Dynasty)太和期(Taihe Period)十九年,是少林功夫发展的文化空间。少林功夫最初是佛教僧侣练习的,他们的职责是保护寺庙。 现在经过1500多年的发展,少林功夫已逐步发展成为一种完美技术 和丰富含义相融合的艺术,在全世界享有声誉。

  Shaolin Kungfu is a kind of martial arts practiced by monks under the special Buddhist culture of the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng City, Henan Province. The Shaolin Temple, built in the Nineteenth year of Taihe Period during the Northern Wei Dynasty, is a cultural space for the development of the Shaolin Kungfu. The Shaolin Kungfii, which is originally practiced by the Buddhist monks whose duties were to protect the temple, has been gradually developed into an art of perfect technology, abundant meanings and high reputation in the whole world after more than 1500 years of development.


  在现代社会,交通工具巳经成为了社会健康持续发展的关键因 素。但令人遗憾的是,这些交通工具在为我们提供便利的同时,是 要我们付出代价的。越是发展现代交通,我们所要付出的代价也越大。 如果人类社会按照这个模式发展下去的话,将来就会付出更高的成 本,受到的打击也越大。

  Transportation in all modem societies has become a critical necessity for the continued well being of the community. Unfortunately, the development of these transportation systems has come at a price,in relation to the convenience they provide. The further society goes down that same path, the more expensive, and damaging, it will become.




  Unlike ancient artists obsessed with saddled horses, Xu Beihong preferred feral and wild ones. Trained in France, the Chinese master studied equine anatomy, spending hours observing horses’ movements and expressions. Xu’s portrayals of horses galloping or trotting past, in a rich variety of poses, are some of the most captivating of their kind. Using mostly black ink, they combine the best methods from East and West. The lines and brush strokes are simple, yet invariable evoke the essence of the animals.


  热衷于:be obsessed with; be wild about; be bound up in; be keen on; be on fire for; be enthusiastic about; be full of enthusiasm about

  被驯服的:domesticated; saddled

  对……情有独钟:have an affinity to sth. ; prefer





  形态各异:in different shapes; in different poses; in a rich variety of poses

  有魅力的:captivating; charming, attractive

  笔画:brush stroke


  就像向中国出售商品的公司会看到收益有损失一样,中国经济 活动放缓有着世界性的影响。包括澳大利亚、巴西和东南亚在内的 其他国家近年来都看到了巨大的利润,因为中国对自然资源有需求。 中国的需求下降巳经对很多商品的价格有了影响。上周,中国财政 部长楼继伟表示,今年的经济增长可能为7%,而这不一定是“底线”。

  A slowdown in economic activity in China has a global impact as companies that sell to China may see revenues suffer. Countries includ¬ing Australia, Brazil and others in South East Asia have seen huge profits in recent years because of Chinese demand for natural resources. The fall in demand from China has already had an impact on the prices of many commodities. Last week,China’s Finance Minister Lou Jiwei indicated that economic growth could be 7% for the year, and that this may not be the “bottom line”