
  岁月悠悠,沧桑巨变。历史是最生动的教材。法西斯发动的侵略战争给人类带来了浩劫,也教育了世界人民。世界人民赢得了战争的胜利,赢得了和平与进步。半个世纪过去了,痛苦的回忆,胜利的喜悦,深深的思考,使人们更加清醒。 历史证明,和平来之不易。世界大战的悲剧绝不能重演。必须经常保持高度警惕,不断发展和壮大和平力量,遏制和消除导致战争的一切因素。历史表明,人民终究是自己命运的主人,是社会前进的推动者。凡是正义的和进步的事业必然要胜利,这是任何力量也扼杀不了和阻挡不住的。


  As time moves on everything changes in the world. History is indeedthe most vivid textbook. War of aggression launched by fascists has broughtscourges to mankind but also enlightened people throughout the world.People have not only won the war but also achieved peace and progress. Halfa century later the painful memories joy of victory and soul-searchingpondering have made people more sober-minded. History has demonstrated that peace has not come about easily. Thetragedy of a world war shall never be allowed to repeat itself. One mustalways maintain sharp vigilance develop and strengthen forces for peace andcheck and eliminate all factors leading to war. History has demonstrated that people are in the end masters of theirdestiny and powerful forces promoting social progress. Anything that is justand progressive is bound to win and cannot be smothered or stopped by anyforce.




  However,no matter how they are allocated in the firset place,the material resources which can create fortune will flow into entrepreneurs'hands eventually through various channels.It is the basic tendency of free market.Those people acquire the right of disposal and the right of use of other people's wealth to create and accumulate wealth for them.This is the very source of efficiency of free market.It can dynamically and spontaneously transfers the resources from the people who are inefficient in resourses use to the people who are efficient in resources use.There is a Chinese saying that “the rich can not last three generations”.It has no alternative but also reveals some pith and marrow of the free market:the fortune itself can not be be guraantee of the fortune,because the fortune is not created by fortune.




  这里“富不过三代”的俗语可以翻出它的意思即可,后面的“无奈…但…”可以用“have no alternative but also”这种结构。


  大多数时候,留守儿童(leftover children)的问题很大程度上源于缺乏父母的情感关怀。通常,孩子由祖父母或父母的朋友、亲戚照顾。在大多数情况下,他们的监护人(guardian)没有受过很好的教育。对他们来说,确保孩子健康、吃得好是极重要的任务。只要孩子平安无事,他们就被认为做得很好了。监护人很少关心孩子的学习、心理需求或精神需求。他们也不花时间教孩子如何养成良好的习惯。


  Most of the time, problems of the leftover children largely arise from a lack of emotional care from their parents. Usually, the children's grandparents or their parent's friends or relatives look after these children. In most cases, their guardians are not well educated. To them,making sure that the children are healthy and fed well is the most important task. As long as the children are safe and sound,they are considered to have done a good job. Guardians seldom care about children's study,psychological needs, or mental demands. Neither do they spend some time to teach kids how to develop good habits.






  Nowadays a large number of universities encourage and organize students to take part in social practice activities. During the holidays, students in mounting numbers choose to be the volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. It is obvious that social practice is playing an increasingly essential role in China’s college education.

  Undoubtedly, college students have benefited a lot from social practice. Above all, they are provided with more opportunities to contact the real world outside campus. What is more, in social practice activities, students can apply their theoretical knowledge to the solution to the practical problems. So their practical skills are improved greatly. Besides, social practice helps strengthen students’ sense of social responsibility.

  Considering the above-mentioned, it is necessary for college students to participate in social practice. However, social practice may bring some problems. For example, some students spend too much time in taking part-time jobs so as to ignore their study. Hence, we should try to balance the relationship between social practice and study.