


  Tourism, a fast developing economic sector over the last two decades in all parts of the world, is now receiving increasing attention among the Chinese public. Many people have written to the press, making suggestions for the promotion of tourism in China. It is believed that the development of tourism will help promote mutual understanding and friendship between the people of China and other countries, and facilitate exchanges in the field of culture, science and technology. Moreover, it will help accumulate funds for China's great cause.


  每年随着中国高校开学日期临近,家长们就开始忙着为孩子购置各种物品。笔记本电脑、手机和银行卡是许多大学新生新学期的“三件套”(three piece suit)。一些学生还准备了相机、游戏机和其他时尚产品。(trendy product)。相关学者称这些学生花钱太大手大脚。也有一些家长表示,他们会满足孩子的基本需求,但是如果孩子想花更多钱或生活得更好,则需要他们自己去挣钱实现。


  Every year, as the new school term for colleges and universities in China is approaching, parents are busy buying all kinds of items for their children. Laptop, mobile phone and bank cards are the so-called three-piece suit for many freshmen to start the new term. Some students also prepare cameras, game players and other trendy products. Scholars concerned claimed that those students spent too much. Some parents said that they would satisfy children's basic needs, but if they wanted higher comsumption or a better life, children were expected to earn money by themselves.


  1.第1句中的时间状语“随着中国高校开学日期临近”较长,故将其处理成as引导的时间状语从句,译作as the new school term…… is approaching.“忙着做某事”用 be busy doing sth来表达。

  2.第2句中的“新学期的‘三件套’”如果逐字对译为the new term three-piece suit,则语义关系表达得不够清晰,宜译为three-piece suit to start a new term,译文中增译了so called(所谓的,所说的),恰当地表示出原文中双引号的意味。

  3.第4句中的“相关学者”表达为scholars concerned,定语concerned要置于被修饰词之后才表示“相关的”,如果前置则意为“担优的,如a concerned expression on her face(她脸上担忧的表情)。

  4.最后一句中的“如果孩子想花更多钱或生活得更好”可以直译为这也呀wantedto spend more and live a better life,但考虑到“中文多用动词,英文多用名词”的表达特点,可将其译作if they wanted higher consumption and a better life,这样更符合英语表达习惯。“则需要他们自己去挣钱实现”,宜承前一分句 ;用“孩子”作主语,使译文表达更流畅,并相应地采用被动语态,译为children were expected to earn money by themselves.


  在21世纪,我国出现了免费的地铁报(Subway newspaper)。北京、上海、广州等大城市都有自己的地铁报。这些报纸通常在上班离峰期时在地铁站里发放。越来越多的人因为这些地铁报而重拾文字阅读的习惯。地铁报之所以受欢迎是因为它们非常了解受众读者(target reader)的需求,及时为他们提供一些名人(celebrity)动态、娱乐资讯和当地新闻,文章简短且配有丰富的图片。


  At the beginning of twenty-first century, there appeared free subway newspapers in our nation. Big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, all have their own subway newspapersare usually handed out at the subway stations in the rush hours. Due to these subway newspapers. more and more people pick up the habit of reading words. Their being popular lies in that they know very well the needs of the target readers and timely offer some celebrity news, entertainment information, and local news. The articles are brief with abundant pictures.


  1.在第1句中,“我国出现了免费的地铁报”如果逐字对译为our nation appeared free subway newspapers则不符合英语的表达习惯,可用存现句型there be的变体there appear来表达,译为there appeared free subway newspapers.“我国”译为in our nation/country,作状语,置于句末。

  2.第2句中的主语“北京、上海、广州等大城市”如果直译为Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities 则显得冗长,英译时宜用中心词“大城市”作主语,用介词like引出城市名作定语,再用all big cities的同位语。以使表达更为清晰顺畅。

  3.第3句中的“在上班高峰期时在地铁站里”含有两个状语,一个为时间状语。另一个为地点状语。在英语表达习惯里,表时间的状语比表地点的状语要更远离中心语。故译为at the subway stations in the rush hours.

  4.在最后一句中,“地铁之所以受欢迎是因为”如果直译为the reasons why the subway newpapers on popular are that…则显得生硬。再后接句子则更显拖沓,故此处宜用名词短语处理“地铁报受欢迎”,译为their being popular,作主语:“因为”译成lie in,作谓语,后接宾语从句:“名人动态”在此语境下指的是“名人的新闻”,故译为celebrity news:“配有”用介词with表示伴随。使句子简单流畅。


  中国饮茶的传统可以追溯到公元前3000多年,但“下午茶”的概念却是到17世纪中叶(the mid 17th century)才在英国出现的。当时那里时兴的晚餐时间是晚上8点,所以一位公爵夫人(Duchess)养成了在下午4点约朋友吃糕点的习惯。很快下午茶成为当时的社会潮流。随东西方文化交流的加深,这个英国传统逐渐进入中国。如今,下午茶在国内日渐流行起来,尤其是在广东和福建地区。


  Although the tradition of drinking tea dates back to more than 3,000 B.C. in China, it was not until the mid 17th century in the UK that appeared the concept of "afternoon tea". The dinner time then was popularly late at 8 pm, so a Duchess developed a habit of inviting Mends to enjoy some cakes at 4 pm in the afternoon. Quickly, afternoon tea became a fashionable social event. With the cultural exchanges between the east and the west deepening, this British tradition was gradually in-traduced into China. Now, afternoon tea is increasingly popular in China, especially in the area ol Guangdong and Fijian provinces.


  1.仔细分析发现,第1句的前后分句语义上表转折。翻译时,可以考虑用“虽然……但是……” (although…it… ) 的结构来译。“‘下午茶’的概念却是到……才……出现的”可用it is not until…that…句型来表达,译为it was not until…that the concept of “afternoon tea” appeared,但为避免显得头重脚轻可把谓语appeared 提前,进行倒装以平衡结构。


  3. 倒数第2句中的“这个英国传统逐渐进人中国”逐字对译则为this British tradition gradually entered into China,这样翻译略显生硬。实际上,这是一句没有被动标记词的被动句,宜译为this British tradition was gradually introduced into China.

  4.最后一句中的“广东和福建地区”不可直译为Guangdong and Fujian area,应把“广东”和“福建”的性质交代清楚,译作in the area of Guangdong and Fijian provinces才符合英语表达习惯。