
  在中国,赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合。礼物常用红色或其他喜庆的颜色(festive color)来包装,但白色或黑色不适宜用于此。当你将礼物递出去时,收礼者(recipient)可能会礼貌谢绝。在情况下试着将礼物再-次送出去。通常收礼者在客人离开之后才打开礼物。此外,送礼还有—些禁忌(taboo)如给夫妻送伞就不合适,因为中文里“伞”与“散”同音。


  In China, we should consider the specific situation and occasion when presenting gifts. The gifts are usually packaged in red or other festive colors. But white and black and not suitable in the packaging. When you offer the gift, the recipient may refuse it politely. In this case, you could try to offer the present once again. Usually, the recipient won't open the gift until the guest leaves. In addition, there are some taboos in giving gifts. For example, it is inappropriate to present an umbrella as a gift to a couple because the word “umbrella” has the same pronunciation with another word "separate" in Chinese.




  Table tennis is a sport which gains much popularity and praise in China. For a long time, it has really been the only sport in China and seemed to set football,basketball and baseball all rolled into one, but it was more popular. Anyone can play table tennis, for all required are a pair of paddles and ball and a table and net, which are easy to be improvised. People can play it when taking a break or killing time.You can find table-tennis tables in schools, factories or even some companies all over China.


  1、gain popularity 赢得观众;大受欢迎

  e.g. Earthy tone colors for apparel and gear continue to gain in popularity compared to bright colors.


  2、rolled into one (把不同的人或物的特点)合为一体的

  e.g. This is our kitchen, sitting and dining room all rolled into one.


  3、improvise 拼凑

  vt.& vi.即兴创作; 临时提供,临时凑成

  e.g. Sometimes I improvise and change the words because I forget them.



  青年奥林匹克运动会是专为全世界青年人设立的综合体育赛事。第二届夏季青年奥林匹克运动会于2014年8月16日至28日在南京举行。本届青奥会的口号是“分享青春 共筑未来”;寓意全世界青年人在奥林匹克精神感召下,欢聚一堂,相互切磋,相互鼓励,增进友谊,共同成长。吉祥物创意来自雨花石,意为提倡自然、运动、健康、快乐的生活方式;会徽将南京明城墙城门和江南民居轮廓组合在一起,勾勒出“NANJING”字样,寓意青春之门。


  Youth Olympic Games, a comprehensive sports event, is designed for young people all over the world. The second summer youth Olympic Games was held from August 16, 2014 to 28 in Nanjing. Its slogan is "Share the youth, Build the future”, which means the young people around the world in the Olympic spirit, get together and play each other, encourage each other, enhance friendship and grow up together. Its Mascot comes from rain flower stones, advocating a lifestyle of natural, sports, healthy and happy; Its emblem will outline NANJING Ming city wall gate and folk houses together, with the idea of the gate of youth.


  在中国,赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合。礼物常用红色或其他喜庆的颜色(festive color)来包装,但白色或黑色不适宜用于此。当你将礼物递出去时,收礼者(recipient)可能会礼貌谢绝。在情况下试着将礼物再-次送出去。通常收礼者在客人离开之后才打开礼物。此外,送礼还有—些禁忌(taboo)如给夫妻送伞就不合适,因为中文里“伞”与“散”同音。


  In China, we should consider the specific situation and occasion when presenting gifts. The gifts are usually packaged in red or other festive colors. But white and black and not suitable in the packaging. When you offer the gift, the recipient may refuse it politely. In this case, you could try to offer the present once again. Usually, the recipient won't open the gift until the guest leaves. In addition, there are some taboos in giving gifts. For example, it is inappropriate to present an umbrella as a gift to a couple because the word “umbrella” has the same pronunciation with another word "separate" in Chinese.


  1.第1句中的“赠送礼物应考虑具体情况和场合”不能直译成presenting gifts should consider the specific situation and occasion,因为在英语表达习惯中,consider的施动者应该是人而不是事情,故翻译时应增加代词we或one作主语。

  2.第4句中“在这种情况下”既可译为in this case,也可译为in/under the circumstances, in such a situation等。状语“再一次”可译作once again,并按英语的表达习惯置于句末。

  3.翻译倒数第2句时,可套用not…until(直到……才)句型,译作the recipient won't…until the guest leaves.

  4. 最后一句中举例的部分“如……,因为……”使用的文字较多,宜拆译为另一个句子,译作For example…。“给夫妻送伞就不合适”可用it is + a. + to do sth.这种句型来表达,译作it is inappropriate to an umbrella…。