
  中国杂技(acrobatics)是一门结合了身体力量和技巧的表演艺术。它是最受中国人欢迎的艺术形式之一。杂技在中国已经存在了两千多年。早在战国时期(the Warring States Period)就已经出现了杂技的雏形(embryonic form )。到了汉代,杂技或“百戏”进一步丰富了其内容和种类。古往今来,杂技表演融入了许多不同的表演艺术,例如传统戏剧、舞蹈和武术(martial art)的优点,作为回报,它也为后者提供了灵感。


  The Chinese Acrobatics

  The Chinese acrobatics is a performing art whichcombines physical strength and skills. It is one of themost popular art forms welcomed by the Chinesepeople. The acrobatic art has existed in China formore than two thousand years. As early as the Warring States Period, there appearedembryonic form of acrobatics. By the time of the Han Dynasty, the acrobatic art or “Baixi” wasfurther enriched both in contents and varieties. Acrobatic performances through the ages haveincorporated strong points of many different performing arts such as traditional operas, danceand martial art, and provided the latter with inspiration in return.

  1.表演艺术:翻译为performing art。performing为形容词,意为“表演的,关于表演的”。

  2.在中国已经存在了两千多年:翻译为has existed in Chinafor more than two thousand years。注意此处需采用现在完成时,表示句子中说到的“存在”是一种在过去已经开始并且持续到现在的状态。

  3.古往今来:翻译为through the ages,为常用表达。


  5.作为回报:翻译为in return,为常用表达。


  中国古人曾将碎石悬在一起,风吹时就能发出清脆的声音,他们将这种东西称为“占风铎(zhan feng duo)”,目的是用来知风。占风铎应该就是风铃(wind-bell)的起源。有人认为风铃会招魂,不宜摆放,但是在亚洲的一些地区,人们认为风铃能带来好运,常用风铃来预测风水(feng shui)。风铃能发出令人愉快的清脆声音,因此人们在闷热潮湿的夏日就会把风铃挂在窗边,给人以清爽的感觉。



  The ancient Chinese once hung gravels together togive out clear sound when blown by the wind. Andthey called it “zhan feng duo”,which was used tofeel wind, “zhan feng duo” should be the origin of thewind-bell. Some people believe the wind-bell can call back the spirit of the dead, thus making itunsuitable to be hung out. However, in some regions of Asia, it’s considered that the wind-bellcould bring people good luck, and it’s often used to predict feng shui. Because the wind-bellcould give out pleasant and clear sound, people will hang it at the window in hot, suffocatingand humid summer, making themselves feel refreshed and cool.

  1.碎石:可译为gravel。该词比较生僻,翻译时也可译为“small stone”。

  2.招魂:可译为call back the spirit of the dead。

  3.不宜摆放:用于指风铃,则是“不宜悬挂”的意思,应译为unsuitable to be hung out,其中 hung 的原形是hang。

  4.预测风水:应译为predict feng shui。风水在英文中的固定表达为feng shui。

  5.闷热潮湿:应译为hot,suffocating and humid,其中 suffocating 意为“令人窒息的,气闷的”。


  灯笼(lantern)又称为灯彩,起源于1800多年前的西汉时期。在古代,灯笼的主要作用是照明。现在,灯笼综合了绘画艺术、剪纸(paper cutting )、纸扎、刺缝(seam)等工艺,已经变成了一种供收藏与欣赏的传统工艺品。每逢佳节庆典到处都可以看到灯笼,特别是元宵节和中秋节,人们都挂起象征团圆意义的红灯笼,来营造一种喜庆的氛围。后来在中国灯笼就成了喜庆的象征。


  The Lantern

  Lanterns, also known as colored lights, originatedfrom the Western Han Dynasty of more than 1,800years ago. They were mainly used for lighting inancient times, while nowadays they have alreadybecome a kind of traditional art and craft for collection and appreciation, combining variouskinds of crafts, such as painting, paper cutting, paper crafts and seam. On festivals andcelebrations, lanterns can be seen almost everywhere;especially on the Lantern Festivals andthe Mid-Autumn Festivals, red lanterns are hung to express the meaning of reunion and createa joyous atmosphere. Later on, lanterns have become the symbol of happiness in China.

  1.起源于:可译为originate from。也可以翻译为derivefrom,但这个词组常用被动形式。

  2.西汉时期:应译为Western Han Dynasty,除了西汉,还有如北宋、南宋、东晋等这样的朝代名,翻译时“东西南北”这四个字分别要译为Eastern, Western, Southern,Northern。此外,还有后汉、后周这样的朝代名,其中的“后”应翻译为Later。

  3.传统工艺品:应译为traditional art and craft。

  4.元宵节和中秋节:“元宵节”翻译成the Lantern Festival, “中秋节”翻译 成the Mid-Autumn Festival。由于这里不是指特定的某一个元宵节或中秋节,所以Festival要采用复数形式,表示“每逢…”的意思。

  5.…的象征:可译为the symbol of...symbol有“象征;符号”的意思。


  “功夫(Kungfu)”是对中国武术(martial art)的通俗叫法。中国功夫不是单纯的拳脚格斗,而是中华民族传统文化的体现,是独一无二的“武文化”。中国功夫因其悠久的历史、丰富的内涵(connotation)以及浓厚的神秘色彩而越来越为中外所瞩目。中国功夫在世界上的影响日渐广泛,不仅出现了大量中国功夫题材的中外影视作品,更有越来越多的外国人开始喜爱并学习中国功夫。



  Kungfu is a common name for Chinese martial art.While Kungfu does not simply refer to fighting usinghands and feet, it is the embodiment of the Chinesetraditional culture and the unique “martial artculture”. Kungfu is drawing more and more attention at home and abroad for its long history,rich connotation and deep mysterious color. Kungfu's influence in the world is increasinglywidespread. There are a large number of Chinese and foreign films on the theme of Kungfu,and more and more foreigners begin to love and learn Kungfu.

  1.通俗叫法:就是指“通常的或流行的叫法”,可译为commonname或 popular name。

  2.中国功夫:很多考生可能会将其译为Chinese Kungfu,其实只用Kungfu 一词就足够了,因为功夫本就是中国所特有的,不必再用Chinese修饰。

  3.独一无二的“武文化”:“独一无二的”用unique表达最为恰当;“武文化” 指的是“武术文化”,因此翻译为martial artculture。

  4.越来越为中外所瞩目:即“在中国和国外受到了越来越多的重视”,这样转化后就更容易翻译了,可译为drawmore and more attention at home and abroad。

  5.丰富的内涵以及來厚的神秘色彩:可译为rich connotation and deep mysterious color,在翻译此类短语时要注意选择恰当的词语。