
  凡到过杭州的游客,肯定都在“自堤”(Bai Causeway)和“苏堤”(Su Causeway)这两条著名的长堤上面走过。 据说,是曾在杭州担任地方官(local official)的中国古代著名诗人白居易和苏东坡分别主持修筑了这两道 长堤。事实上,我们今天所见到的“苏堤”不完全是由苏东坡所建,而“白堤”则跟白居易没有关系。然而,人们为了表示对这两位地方官的敬意,还是用他们的名字为这两道堤岸命名。

  The tourists to Hangzhou must have walked along the two famous causeways, Bai Causewayand Su Causeway. It is said that Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo, the two famous Chinese ancientpoets, had been the local officials in Hangzhou. They had taken change of constructing thesetwo causeways respectively. In fact, the Su Causeway we see today is not completely built bySu Dongpo, while Bai Causeway has nothing to do with Bai Juyi. However, people named thesetwo causeways after these two local officials to express respects for them.

  1.在第1句中,游客的定语“凡到过杭州的”可简单表达为to Hangzhou;“肯定都”宜用表肯定猜测的must have done结构来表达;“白堤”和“苏堤”实质就是“这两条著名的长堤”,故翻译时可将“白堤”和“苏堤”处理成“这两条著名的长堤”的同位语,译作the two famous causeways, Bai Causeway and Su Causeway。

  2.第2句是一个长句,从意义上分析,该句传达了两点信息:其一,白居易和苏东坡曾在杭州担任地方官;其二,这两个人分别主持修筑了这两道长堤。翻译时可考虑把这个长句拆译成两个独立的句子。其中,“中国古代著名诗人白居易和苏东坡”较长,可将“中国古代著名诗人”处理成“白居易和苏东坡”的同位语表达为 Bai Juyi and Su Dongpo, the two famous Chinese ancient poets 0

  3.第3句分别介绍“苏堤”和“白堤”跟苏东坡和白居易的真实关系,可处理成由while连接的表对比的两个分 句,其中“苏堤”的定语“我们今天所见到的”较长,为符合英语的表达习惯,可将其处理成定语从句,译作we see today,置于中心词“苏堤”之后。

  4.最后一句中的“为了表示对这两位地方官的敬意”表目的,可将其处理成目的状语,用不定式短语to express respects for...来表达。


  北京烤鸭是北京的招牌菜,它的独到之处在于不仅味道鲜美,而且含有丰富的营养价值,被誉为“天下美味”,驰名中外。北京烤鸭需经过约45分钟的烤制,烤出的鸭子以皮质酥脆(crispy skin)、肉质鲜嫩为特色,这是其受欢迎的最大原因。在众多的北京烤鸭店中最知名的两个是全聚德和便宜坊,这两家烤鸭店都已经有上百年的历史了。


  As a specialty of Beijing cuisine, Beijing roast duck isunique in not only delicious taste, but also richnutritional value. Acclaimed as the “No. 1 Delicacyunder Heaven”,it has won fame both at home andabroad. It takes about 45 minutes to roast a duck. The roasted duck is characterized by crispyskin and tender meat, which form the biggest reason for its popularity. The most famousbrands among popular roast duck restaurants are Quanjude and Bianyifang, both of whichhave a history of several hundred years.

  1.北京的招牌菜:翻译为a specialty of Beijingcuisine,“招牌菜”的英文表达是specialty。

  2.它的独到之处在于:可译为It’s unique in, be uniquein sth.意为“在某方面特别,有独到之处”。

  3.驰名中外:可译为 have won fame both at home andabroad, be known at home and abroad 或者berenowned both inside and outside the country。

  4.皮质酥脆、肉质鲜嫩:汉语中本句定语后置,翻译时,可以先改变其结构,本句可以理解为“酥脆的皮,鲜嫩的肉”,即可翻译成crispy skin and tender meat。



  自驾游(self-driving tour)属于自助旅游的一种,是近年来我国新兴的旅游方式。自驾游在选择目的地、参与程序和体验自由等方面给旅游者提供了伸缩自如的空间,与传统的参团旅游(group tour)相比具有本身的特点和魅力。随着自驾车旅游者的增多,自驾游市场已具规模,越来越多的旅行社、汽车 俱乐部、汽车租赁(car rentals)公司看好并涉足这一市场的开发。


  Self-driving tour, a sort of self-help travel, is anemerging mode of travel in China in recent years.It provides travelers with great flexibility inselecting destinations, participating procedures andexperiencing freedom, which endow it with differentiating characteristics and charms fromthe traditional group tour. As the self-driving tourists increase, the self-driving tour markethas begun to take shape; more and more travel agencies, car clubs and car rentals areoptimistic about it and engage in market development.

  1.自助旅游:即自给自足式的旅游,可译为self-servicetravel或者self-help travel。

  2.新兴的旅游方式:可译为 an emerging mode oftravel。


  4.提供了伸缩自如的空间:此句直译不好表达原文意思,原文可理解为“提供了 很大的灵活性”,故可译为 providestravelers with great flexibility。

  5.看好并涉足:“看好”可译为be optimistic about,表示“对…持乐观态度,看好”,“涉足”译为engage in。


  裸婚(down-to-earth marriage )是一种新的结婚方式,指的是一对恋人没有房子、没有车、不办婚礼、不度蜜月甚至没有婚戒,只领取结婚证(marriage certificate)的结婚方式。这种形式的结婚最低成本只有9元钱。现代年轻人的生活压力较大,而且强调爱情的独立,必须有房再结婚或者大肆操办婚事的传统在年轻一代中被削弱。许多人都相信裸婚是两个人纯粹爱情的见证。


  As a new way of getting married, down-to-earthmarriage means that a couple marries each other byonly applying for a marriage certificate without anapartment, a car, a wedding ceremony, ahoneymoon, or even a wedding ring. This form of marriage can cost as little as only nine yuan.As young people in modern times live under great pressure and place emphasis on theindependence of love, the tradition that “an apartment is a must for marriage” and “weddingceremony should be held on a grand scale” has weakened among the young generation. Manypeople believe that a down-to-earth marriage is a testament to the pure love between thecouple.